History of Microsoft Windows – husaintech

History of Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Windows came on the market on November 20, 1985 with a price of $99
Bill Gates’ journey started with a simple interface with a DOS operating system.
The second version 2.0 was released on December 9, 1987.
Which had a market price of 100 dollars, this version also has no improvement in graphics.
Version 3.0 was released on May 22, 1990. Three years later, version 3.0 was priced at $149.00, this version introduced users to a truly colorful graphical interface.
On April 6, 1992, an updated version of Windows 3.0 was released. The version number was 3.1. The price was the same as before. The version added some features like Solitaire Card games.
On August 24, 1995, the very popular Windows 95 was released.
By that time the personal computer came within the reach of everyone and the combination of Windows 95 changed the computer world.
Those who used the previous version needed $109 to update and $209 to buy the new one. 1
This version adds multimedia.
Internet and CD use started in Windows 95.
Microsoft’s most popular operating system, Windows 98, was released on June 25, 1995.
Windows sold 58 million Windows 98 licenses with a market value of $209.
On May 5, 1995, Windows 98 was brought to the market with some upgrades, where some advantages were given to wizards.
In 2000, Microsoft launched a wobbly and worst operating system called Windows Millennium.
Windows Millennium was full of bugs despite some improvements in graphics.
Interestingly, Windows 98 and Millennium were the same size and price.
It means that Millennium is only brought to the market with a new color, users naturally reject this version somehow and judging by the time, it is one of the most unpopular releases of Microsoft.
In 2000, Windows introduced another operating system called Windows 2000.
The market for something like Millennium was terrible.
At the time it cost $319 and took up three times as much space as Windows 98. Compared to that, the performance is not very good, as a result, only 2 million licenses are clicked for Windows 2000.
After a year of sudden death in business, Microsoft is back again.
Windows AKP revolutionized the market.
Occupying 25 gigabytes of space on October 25, 2001, this new operating system won the hearts of wizards with its exceptional graphics.
At the same time, video games, editing, 3d graphics started gaining popularity in the market.
Understanding the market conditions, AKP started selling at $299 less than Windows 2000.
About 400 million licenses are sold. Windows was reigning alone for a long time, after about 6 years Windows brought an operating system called Vista to the market.
Although the graphics are colorful, people do not remember Windows Vista.
It took up about 15GB of space and was expensive. About 180 million licenses of Windows Vista are sold for $399.
Windows 7 came to the market in 2009 by modifying Windows Vista a little. Windows 7 sells 630 million licenses for $319. On October 27, 2012, Windows 8 came into the market, which had a very low price. Windows 8 was available in the market for $119 and sold about 200 million. The following year, Windows 8.1 came to the market, which could not make any impact when played. On July 29, 2015, Windows 10, the most popular operating system of Windows, came to the market. About 1.3 billion licenses of Windows 10, priced at $119, have been sold. Which had a total size of 64 bits
Like 20 GB. 1st place for most installed operating system in the world till date. Owned by Windows 10.
Windows 11, the latest operating system of Windows, came to the market in 2021 with a long break in between.
The size of which stands at 64 GB and costs 139 dollars so far.
A total of 400 million licenses have been sold for Windows 11

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